Jul 3, 2012

As we celebrate our independence remember!!!

Let us never forget the true meaning of the Fourth of July and what it means for our amazing country and the freedom we are afforded here in America.  The Fourth of July is a time to commemorate America's declaration of separation from Great Britain that was made on July 4, 1776. 

On this holiday, Americans honor the efforts of all those men and women who tirelessly fight for our freedoms, all those who make sacrifices to keep our liberties secure and all those who support the ideals on which this country was built.  Freedom is never given -- it is earned. 

Liberty is the right to choose, and freedom is the result of the right choice. It is easy to take liberty for granted when someone has never had it taken from them.
Kenny’s Carpet One, Floor and Home wishes everyone a happy and joyous Fourth of July holiday.

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